I was sitting by the window. It was raining. A few water droplets planted themselves on my face, delicately. Effortlessly, I began to sing a song. There wasn't any particular reason but it just felt good. On listening more carefully, even the raindrops had a little song of their own, it was more of a rhythm. The birds had their own rhythm. The trees, the little creepy crawlies, the wind and everything else had some rhythm to it. In fact, even silence has its own rhythm. Makes me wonder, what is it about music? Is it just various sounds compiled together? Or just another rhythm that pleases our ears? I guess music is beyond that. Its roots are deeper than the old banyan tree's. It unites minds of various backgrounds irrespective of age, cast, creed, and religion. Music doesn’t require a particular language. It has its own language. When in love we listen to music, when out of love we listen to music. Sometimes, even while working automatically, we start to murmur a few lines of a song. Even while cooking I hear my mother sing some random song. Even while dancing, it is not just the dance steps but the music, the rhythm that touches the heart and lights up our souls. We are in the moment when we are in the company of music, though it makes us travel back to memories or somewhere within but we are there..in that moment. Music connects us not only with everybody else but also with ourselves. Maybe that's why we all can relate to it so much and it affects us so deeply. But one question still haunts me- did we make the music or did it exist from time immemorial? Well, we’ll keep that for later.

        Music doesn’t just mean to follow a rhythm, it means to create one. So go ahead, take your moment and create your own rhythm!


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